's wiki...the King is the Sumerian "Noah"... doesn't give the dimensions of the ship...which are in the Children of Noah book...and I'm trying to confirm them...brb...another take... no dimensions...
O man of
Shuruppak, son of
Ubartutu: Tear down the house and build a boat! Abandon wealth and seek living beings! Spurn possessions and keep alive living beings! Make all living beings go up into the boat. The boat which you are to build, its dimensions must measure equal to each other: its length must correspond to its width. Roof it over like the
On the fifth day I laid out her exterior.It was a field in area,its walls were each 10 times 12 cubits in height,the sides of its top were of equal length, 10 times It cubits each.I laid out its (interior) structure and drew a picture of it (?).I provided it with six decks,thus dividing it into seven (levels).
What caught my eye here is that the a cube...and
Patai says this is nonsense and goes on to show how Noah's Ark has standard ship proportions...though very large!'s catches other writer's attention too...
The Old Testament describes it as a rectangular box with straight sides, no bow, no keel or hull. In fact the Hebrew word used for the ship is that of a box or container. However, the Hebrews can be excused for their preposterous interpretation since they were a land-locked people and had little, if any, experience with ships.
But that is no excuse for the description of the Ark in the Sumerian account of the Deluge. There is is depicted as a cube, if the translators are to be believed. This is not very convincing in view of the fact that the Mesopotamians were a sea-going nation. Sumerians and later peoples were well acquainted with the principles of ship building and seaworthiness. All Sumerian cities had access to the sea and sea-going ships are often described at anchor at these Sumerian ports.
Obviously, there is something amiss in the Sumerian accounts or in the translation and interpretation of the text that is provided. For a sea-going people to describe the Ark as a cube is completely nonsensical.
Unlike the three decks of the ark of Noah, the ark of
Utnapishtim has seven decks and is then divided into nine sections or compartments. It had a door and some sort of window as well. Traditional translations reports the craft as being an exact cube, with the height, length, and width each being 120 cubits. Since the
Akkadian cubit was 20 inches [46 centimeters], the craft would be a perfect cube 200 feet [72 meters] on each side.
In modern terms we would describe them as fuel rods since they were associated with the propulsion system of a ship. In this sense, they could be either fuel rods inserted into a nuclear reactor in order to control its energy output or, more probably, tubes or rods filled with solid propellant used in some sort of rocket propulsion system.
By R. A.
Boulay ©1990
Editorial Comments By Roberto
Solàrion ©1997
Chapter 13
WAS NOAH'S ARK A SAUCER-SHAPED SUBMERSIBLE? author is postulating that the Ark was a spaceship....a many time told tale in Science Fiction...a Generation Ship....but
their version seems to be an earthbound saucer...but to continue now for a 'cube ship'...but first..a look at the "People of the Ship"...cube...brb...well...I snagged it from
ebay...the cover to
Idries Shah's The Sufis....he explains inside that the calligraphy represents in "concrete poem" fashion people aboard a ship...
dont have the book...oh..I'll have to retrieve it from
ebay...but anyway...there was this notion of either people on a ship..or people waiting for the return of a ship..or something...but..brb...
oh...Hamlet's Mill is on the web...
The first ark was built by
Utnapishtim in the Sumerian myth; one learns in different ways that it was a cube-a modest one, measuring 60 x 60 x 60 fathoms, which represents the unit in the
sexagesimal system where 60 is written as 1. In another version, there is no ark, just a cubic stone, upon which rests a pillar which reaches from earth to heaven. The stone, cubic or not, is lying under a cedar, or an oak, ready to let loose a flood, without obvious reasons.
Confusing as it is, this seems to provide the new theme. In Jewish legends, it is told that "since the ark disappeared there was a stone in its place. . . which was called foundation stone." It was called foundation stone "because from it the world was founded [or started]." And it is said to lie above the Waters that are below the Holy of
This might look like a dream sequence, but it is buttressed by a very substantial tradition, taken up by the Jews but to be found also in
Ugrian tradition [n17 L.
Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (1954), vol. 4, p. 96; cf. also vol. 1, p. 12; vol. 5, p. 14. We are indebted to Irvin N. Asher for the quotation, as well as for the ones from
Jastrow that follow. Cf. V. J.
Mansikka, "Der
blaue Stein,"
FUF 11 (1911), p. 2.]. The Jewish story then goes on:
skip and
When David was digging the foundations of the Temple, a shard was found at a depth of 1500 cubits. David was about to lift it when the shard exclaimed: "Thou canst not do it." "Why not?" asked David. "Because I rest upon the abyss." "Since when?" "Since the hour in which the voice of God was heard to utter the words from Sinai, 'I am the Lord, your God,' causing the world to quake and sink into the Abyss. I lie here to cover up the Abyss."
The humble little shard was brought in by pious legend to try to say that what counted was the power of the Holy Name. But the real thing was the cube: either as
Utnapishtim's ark or, in other versions, as a stone upon which rests a pillar which reaches from earth to heaven. Even Christ is compared to "a cube-shaped mountain, upon which a tower is erected." [n20 In the ninth simile of the "Pastor of
Hermas," according to F.
Kampers (
Vom Werdegange der abendlandischen Kaisermystik [1924], p. 53).].
Hocart writes that "the Sinhalese frequently placed inside their
topes a square stone representing
Meru. If they placed in the center of a
tope a stone representing the center of the world it must have been that they took the
tope to represent the world" [n21 Kingship, p. 179 (quoted by P. Mus,
Barabudur [1935], p. 108, n. 1).]—which goes without saying. But it is said otherwise that this stone, the foundation stone, lies under a great tree, and that from under the stone "a wave rose up to the sky."
There is a famous cube space ship in the Star Trek story...the dreaded Borg ship...I told a friend once..."Those first episodes about the Borg are one of the few time that I've seen this science
ficiton tale have real menace in it."
here's some generation ships... from the list is...
In the savage world of the Greene tribe, losing a woman was unforgivable, and Roy had lost his while hunting in the jungle called "the
ponics". Disgraced, isolated, he joined the disreputable priest
Marapper on a forbidden expedition through
Deadways to find the legendary land of Forwards. They were to meet mutants, giants, regimented rats and telepathic rabbits, and the fabled Outsiders. Finally they would confront a secret kept hidden for 23 generations - a secret whose discovery would reveal their origins and destiny even as it destroyed their world!
Prominant in that story is how general knowledge of the
environment...where they actually are...has become partly forgotten and garbled...
Suffice to say that the KAABA Cube may represent Noah's Ark...and the whole tale a garbled memory of a spaceship.
Add to this is that monotheism is self similar to ship board hierarchy..the captain officers crew passengers...and the layout of churches...pews with an alter with airliners...the priest with back to the congregation...praying to the alter...the alter often with
elaborate pilots before their controls....this to say
Churches resemble ships...the
priesthoods captain and ship crew...curiously...I grew up going to a Lutheran Protestant church, which, in memory of Viking
Scandanavian heritage, had a roof that looked like a planked Viking ship turned upside down...I used to look up at the ceiling and count the planks during services!
The Earth itself is of course the Ark floating in Space....something that was garbled until Apollo 11
Earthrise from Moon pic!
Lakes, springs, rivers, wells, and other sources of fresh water were thought to draw their water from the
And a thread page that wonders about the same thing!...
Now, Ea (
Enki) does dwell, in myths, _in the deep_ (the depths of the
Apsu, the freshwater ocean the earth floats upon, in his rectangular cubicle or
Apsu dwelling). I thus understand, the Mesopotamian Noah is in a sense dwelling in a seaworthy model of
Ea's Apsu house. While in this model of
Ea's dwelling, perhaps he was envisioned as being under
Ea's divine protection from the flood ?