Thursday, May 15, 2008

Outstanding Remarkable Values

Here's link to the Park Service's page...which is called The Merced River Plan...insomuch as the River runs through it all!

and here's a curio...


Topic Questions Instructions: There are six draft Outstandingly Remarkable Values identified in this report. Please specify which ORV(s) you are providing comments for in your response. Topic Questions: Guidelines for determining ORVs are provided in the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council's "The Wild & Scenic River Study Process." These guidelines state that a Wild and Scenic River must be free-flowing and possess one or more ORVs. To be assessed as outstandingly remarkable, a value must be both river-related AND a unique, rare, or exemplary feature that is significant at a comparative regional or national scale.Do the draft ORV statements in this report meet these criteria?Do the statements accurately capture the values that make the Merced River and South Fork Merced River "outstandingly remarkable"?


and here's the form to make an online comment report:

I imagine this might be a little like writing to the Governor....surley it'll be read...and shared with other commenteers!...and of course responded to!

There are scehduled public hearings where comments can be made...current one is delayed it seems.... I'll have to figure out how to condense fivehundred gigs of pics and clips, and the walkabouts, into that comment form!

Or I could just send a link to Tree in the Door...

Something to think on...


Biological – Riparian areas and low-elevation meadows are the most productive communities in Yosemite Valley. The high quality and large extent of riparian, wetland, and other riverine areas provide rich habitat for a diversity of river-related species, including special-status species, neotropical migrant songbirds, and numerous bat species.

unquote's all generalities...I did a watercolor...2003... looking across the Merced from opposite Housekeeping...just west of Stoneman there I'm looking at the bank just below the road...and into the forest on the far side of the road...well... that forest is now a city...the new housing....a sidebyside then and now....but that housing is one of the most important things...and needed keep up with the larger forest become a city!...and that's how it's gone...and will wonders where the construction workers were/are to be housed fed and provided...well...for the housing project they brought their own tikis....


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