Friday, March 14, 2008


Turkey gobbling on Coyotes...some guys...

Anyway...that odd thing at Abydos is called the Osirion...for Osiris I's wiki's bit on Osiris and Dionysus...


There's a lot on the web about Egypt...and on the Osirion...if it was for the worship of Osiris it puts that worship way back in the First Dynasty...two or three thousand BC....I dont know if the Greek's were much civilized then!...but later I think all their gods found counterparts in Egyptian gods...and the Greeks themselves became Pharaohs under the Ptolemies...which is all very odd when one steps backs and contemplates...and this happens too when just looking at these old monuments!...pic snagged from a snag of illustration in Robert Lawlor's Sacred Geometry...a book of contemplation, as it were!
just misspelled worship...and notice it ends in "ship"...I kinda think there might have been a ship..a nile bark...mounted on the Osirion...which makes me want to do a post on the Boat Beneath the Pyramid!...for tomorrow...
this web page very cool
Oh...and here's a page to try and swallow!
not sure whose website..brb...thought's Hoagland up to his tricks!
Tree in the Door

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