Saturday, March 15, 2008

Neshmet Bark

PBS and political things...but then a show on the Face of artists have depicted Jesus...started out with Giotto's frescoes...first time I've seen them all together like that...brb.... here's one site that compares the similarities of Osiris, Dionysus and Jesus...

there's a bunch...

and I found a neat thing before signing off last night...brb...


The Second Day - The Great Procession of Wesir

The deceased Wesir is carried on a bark called Neshmet, and taken from his temple to his tomb. The procession moves through the surrounding cemetery grounds to the tomb out in the desert (the Osireion). The Lamentations of Aset and Nebt-Het are performed along with it.


Huel is 'inside the Desert Tower'...

So, there WAS a boat at the Osirion...and it was called the Neshmet Bark..and part of a many day ritual and celebration...the details of which are lost...which reminded me of something I really liked in one of my snags!...brb...


The non-material form of cultural preservation perhaps can best be seen in the traditions of the ritual dance, and of the grand theater


Cultural preservation with dancing and theater!...what a novel notion!...and I really like that thought....

The monuments of old Egypt are mistakenly seen as ends in themselves...when they were just background...all that stonework just stage setting...and they've survived "Population Zero Aftermath"...while the ceremonies and ritual and story telling hasn't...which is why the monuments are so enigmatic.

Anyway, the coolest thing I ever "found" digging through Old Egyptian stuff in the library was the Boat Beneath the Pyramid...actually there's another one still entombed...but here's the story of the one I read about...

here's one site

and here's wiki's which has links..

Is it the Neshmet Bark!?


Tree in the Door

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