Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rainy Day

Crocodile Dundee on...back to back..

1 million without power...lemgo read some of the storm news! breaking up...I was working with my Bobcat clips...leme upload now as the power's been known to go out hereabouts!...this is cute...Bobcat is too!...
Ansel Adams‘ most famous photograph was taken in Yosemite Valley just as a major winter storm ended. Today and continuing through this weekend, a major storm will rage across Northern California and the Sierra. At various times during the storm, skies will clear briefly, then the storm will rage again. For photographers, this is exactly the kind of weather that provides the most dramatic photographs.
In those lulls, photographers are seen waiting at points throughout Yosemite Valley, their tripods set in anticipation of their Ansel Adams moment. It takes patience and good equipment (snow boots, waterproof gear) to wait out the storm until the skies clear, yet the reward is often perfect snow, unblemished… trees burdened with a heavy coat of glistening snow… clouds snared amongst the monoliths that line Yosemite’s canyon walls… precisely what Adams captured in his Clearing Winter Storm.
Bobcat probably has a cozy den in the talus somewhere....
Tree in the Door

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