Friday, January 11, 2008

Royal Charter

Day the Earth Stood Still was on...then Frankenstein meets the McQueen bio... and now Huel Howeser at Doheny Beach...which is indeed worthy of all his superlatives!!...when I get the Bus going, a camp there is in order...

Royal Charters!....found that considering the East India Company...and what I was thinking about was "birth certificates"...both for real people...and for incorporeal entities!!

A business license is a kinda "birth certificate"..

And I gotta wonder if the blog had a kinda 'birth' when I went through the sign up.

And today, of course as it always goes!...a story about the new national id cards in the newspapers.

Doheny is next to Dana Harbor...which submerged under rocks and wharfs some of the best tide pooling low tide one could walk like a hundred yards out in just a foot or two of water and rocky bottom, over all kinds of sea critters...great fun as a kid!

Tomorrow, how inanimate entities are animated by being yoked to animate entities...that would be us!

"Hello engine, I'm Jake Holman."


Tree in the Door

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