Friday, August 10, 2007

Fallen Soldiers

Steven Segal is on the train again...this is the one where the villain has control of a laser beam satellite.

Sheesh, lost in thought I held down the shift key too long...sounded like a light bulb popping!! Some trick called Filterkeys...

Segal is reassuring, and the other Heroes.
Front page had another fallen soldier story from the San Joaquin Valley. The young people in the long valley are a soldiering bunch.
In the back page was a bit on the Nagasaki memorial...Japanese spokesman calling for nuclear disarmament.

I suppose, proportionally speaking, that story should have been on the front page. I would hope it's not just there to fill some obligatory need!!

The front page story was a bit of an example of yesterday's post about iconography. And it was sad.

Funeral rituals are often used to re enforce the culture. And to establish the legitimacy of the successors.

Fallen Heroes.
Segal movie ends with the graveyard scene.
The doggone spacing between sentences is wrong in this post. This happens when I paste a post that I missposted to Fauna and Flora...I try to reestablish the line breaks but some things just don't get picked up...frustrating!! Everything looks right in the edit... but...

Tree in the Door
August 10, 2007

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