Wednesday, December 26, 2007


News on...story of the Tiger...I haven't heard yet how it got out...spent most of my day daydreaming about the Bobcat I saw and took pic and clips of before work on the walkabout!...a little dark humor here I guess!...

Oh...but there was a discussion about replacing the Foot Bridge...this came up as Bobcat was walking about in the area...and I expressed my incredulity at the price to replace it!...costs of things often do that to me!...but it needs to be done soon as folk haven't the patience for the detour and are shortcutting along the road and over WEEEE Bridge...and it is wee with the snow hemming it in!...I just go through the Creek...but what troubles me a lot is that the donations being used are undercut by the high cost of hiring and acquiring workers and materials...which to my thinking should all be donated!!...I could do the whole thing extra set to lift stuff...whatever they do will ruin the look of the old bridge...which is very pretty now in the snow.

gotta rant a bit about something... wouldn't be Tree in the Door otherwise!!

Ferguson rerun is on...I stay up for the monolog....

Donations just seem to get gobbled up by exhorbitant...absorbed by exhorbitant...prices and salaries!

Tree in the Door

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