Saturday, December 29, 2007

People Whisperers

Are there such whisperers!??...a dog whisperers show was on before's kinda neat...somethings I wish I'd known before when I had my mine by default...and one I shared with her owner..all females...two Australian Shepards and a small Golden Retriever....I had to sit between them when I fet them in the morning and keep peace!...I think the whole whisperer thing started with a movie called Horse Whisperer...but what I recall is the race horse trainer in Seabiscut...there was a good side by side in that movie!...the scene where the young jockey is fighting a bunch of bullies at the same time Seabiscut is tearing his stall apart...the trainer looks to one, then the other...and puts the two together literally!

Well....let's go see if the jfk post went has the making of a's a colony of Britain...the Cayman Islands...and the question becomes did the British have a supporting role by providing "geography" in the Bay of Pigs?

lemego look for people whisperer!...brb..books on Amazon!
MAD TV on...Susan Sarandon sitting on the couch beside someone in briefs who is throwing up...
Tree in the Door

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